Sunday, June 26, 2011

Your Teacher Said What?! by Joe Kernen and Blake Kernen

When I received this book as an advance copy from Goodreads, I was nervous about picking it up. After all, I always skip the financial sections of the Wall Street Journal in favor of the political or human interest sections. I know the free market system is an important part of our freedom, but I couldn't articulate the reasons. I honestly dreaded trying to wade through a book on finances. However, I was hooked in the preface when Joe Kernen said, "We believe that free-market capitalism is not only the most powerful engine for human prosperity ever but also history's strongest force for freedom and human advancement. We believe - no we know - that economic freedom is as important as religious freedom or freedom of speech. We believe that productive work, freely exchanged, is a virtue, just like charity feely given." Wow. Well said! If you want to be able to understand and share these ideas with your kids and the people around you, BUY THIS BOOK.        

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