Monday, July 1, 2013
Anna del C. Dye
Anna del C. Dye was born in Valparaiso, Chile, amongst some of the world’s most famous beaches. After meeting Rodney, a native of Idaho, in her hometown, two years later, Anna traveled to Utah on Christmas Eve and married him two weeks later. Their love story, Why Him? was published by Covenant in the book entitled Tender Mercies. Anna and Rodney reside in Taylorsville, Utah, and are the parents of three princes and a princess. They love to camp, canoe, explore ruins and have sword fights.
Anna del C. Dye is an accomplished, multi-award winning author. Her short story “Amerine—Fairy Princess” won 2nd place in the Oquirrh Writers contest. The first book in her new YA Romance Series entitled “A Kingdom By The Sea” won 2nd place in The Absolutely Write contest. Book three of “The Silent Warrior Trilogy” won a bronze seal in the League of Utah Writers. Shahira and the Flying Elfs won Honor in the Oquirrh first chapter contest. Emerine’s Nightmare, a pre-teens short story, won 1st place right before it was released in digital formats for the Kindle and Nook.
Anna’s works include “The Silent Warrior Trilogy,” the beginning saga of her young adult elf series. Book one, “The Elf and the Princess” book two, “Trouble in the Elf City” and book three, “Elfs in a Conquered Realm.” Her stand alone books: “Curse of the Elfs,” “A Royal Elf of Abalon”, now “Shahira & the Flying Elfs” and also her children’s book “Emerine’s nightmare”
Interview with Anna:
Thank you Roseanne for inviting me to your blog this week. I would like to offer a PDF of Shahira and the Flying Elfs to one lucky winner on your blog. Leave a comment and become Roseanne's follower and you will be entered.
Anna, what genre do you prefer to write?
I love Medieval and fantasy. My books are High Fantasy.
What inspired you to start writing about elfs?
Tolkien. He opened the door for me to ask more. The character of Legolas was amazing and I wanted to know more about the Elf race, the giant eagles, the dwarfs and so on. To my regret, my husband informed me that a conversation with Tolkien was out of the question as he was dead. I cried. That is when my husband suggested I answer my own questions…the rest is history.
What's not to love about Legolas? I'd love to know more about him and his race, too. You have a new book coming out, what’s it about?
My new book is Shahira & the Flying Elfs (yes, I do spell the plural of elves in my books: Elfs.)
It is book number six in my Elf Series. The series has seven books so I am almost done with it.
When can we expect it to be available?
It is in all the major outlets right now. Amazon, B&N etc.
Tell us more about it...
Here is a teaser:
What would you do if the world as you know it comes tumbling down? That is what happens to Shahira every time she tries to fly. You see she is an eagle and eagles fly…then why can she not?
The wizard Huzan has spent his entire life under the shadow of his renowned brother Zanteon. But no more… He has discovered the book to his brother’s secrets. Now he is going to use it to destroy him and all the Wizarding School.
Llorradinn’s life has been simple and peaceful in the land of the elfs. That is, until the human caravan comes by and he is caught by the claws of a giant eagle. What does the eagle want with him? Elfs have not seen the wise-ones for many centuries; then why now, and why so hostile to the elf race?
You will find this and more answers in Shahira & the Flying Elfs the epic book by Anna del C. Dye. Written in the genre of Tolkien, Anna del C. Dye has created another unique, epic tale to take the reader to a new world, full of twists, secrets, and love.
Shahira and the Flying Elfs is already available on and other outlets.
When you want a story to simmer what do you do to relax?
I go camping and take the canoe. My husband and I love the quiet and beauty of nature. It helps to keep my life real. Then I go back to my book and edit.
Is there anything you would like to ask your readers?
I would love for them to take the time and if they like my books to post a review and recommend it to their friends. It really helps to pass the word along. (Reviews should be done on Amazon, B&N, Shelfari, Goodreads, etc.)
Can you please share where people can find you and your books?
My website:
You can find all my books at:
Barns & Noble.
It was my pleasure to visit you, Roseanne. Hope all will be well with you and yours.
The pleasure was mine :) I'm looking forward to reading your new book!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monique Bucheger
Monique Bucheger is having a book tour this week for her books and a rafflecopter giveaway. Check out her blog here. Monique is a talented mother of 12 children. In between her mothering duties, she's found time to write some delightful books. The first one in the series, THE SECRET SISTERS CLUB, was a finalist in The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest a couple of years ago. Monique did an outstanding job of character building. I loved Ginnie and her family. Since I love horses, Ginnie's love of horses was also appealing. This is a fun new series that will appeal to girls and their moms. The first two books in Monique's series are on sale this week for $0.99. It's a great time to pick them up, and when you finish them both, the third book in the series, SIMPLY WEST OF HEAVEN, has just been re-released with brand new illustrations done by Mikey Brooks.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Pray, Be Calm, and Carry On
When I first heard about the Boston bombings, I was horrified like everyone else. What kind of sick people would do something like this? Hearing that the perpetrators were from Chechnya increased my fear because I’ve been reading about Chechen terrorism. If the fighters from that small country can keep the Russians terrorized, they know very well how to terrorize Americans.
Just a couple of weeks ago, a meme of the British royal crown on top of a red background with the words “be calm and carry on” was making its rounds on facebook. I thought it was fascinating that the logo designed for use if the British were invaded was such a simple one, but it held great power. I would add another word to it: pray. So my thoughts during this tragedy were: “pray, be calm, carry on.”
A wave of sadness spilled over me when I heard about Boston on lockdown. Forcing an entire city to shut down wasn’t going to help the peace in our nation. The action was designed to create more fear, not calm it. The British logo of “be calm and carry on” made more sense than the action of shutting Boston down.
As I was reading through the various posts on facebook, I was struck by the thoughts of Steven Reid. He graciously agreed to let me quote him on my blog:
Fear not, God is with us.
The Old Testament story of Elisha and the King of Syria in 2 Kings 6 (11-19) teaches us this principle. The King of Syria goes down to capture Elisha because he recognizes Elisha is able to know the King's plans in advance. Elisha's servant comes running in and says: "Master, what are we gonna do?" The fearless Elisha responds this famous line: "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." Elisha prays for the servant's eyes to be opened and he sees the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire there to protect Elisha. Elisha is safe because of the Lord.
I do feel sorry for the people of Boston because the government is creating fear in the hearts of the people. An entire city on lockdown over one tragic event caused by two men one who is now dead? Give me a break. Murders happen EVERY DAY in big cities. A no-fly zone over the city? Out of control! If government is supposedly "fighting terrorism" why are they creating terror and panic in the hearts of their citizens? Their unconstitutional over-reactions and breaches of civil liberties are making a fugitive criminal more dangerous. They should just keep people informed and aware but let people make their own decisions (teach people correct principle and let them govern themselves...hmmm someone said this once...).
The Jews at Christ's time wanted him to condemn the murderous Romans, he did not but rather focused on peace. At the same time Jesus did not advocate the forebearance of justice. You will find my position to be modeled after Christ’s: again, we condemn the sin but love the sinner who is our brother. I refuse to let hate for this murderer blacken my heart. Nor will I allow government to usurp our Constitution.
I defend the truth. The right of the presumed terrorist to free speech, the right to a trial, and to face justice for his evil. The right of the people of Boston to go about their ways and lives as they so desire. The right for us as a nation to live at peace with one another.
Steven’s words reminded me of John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
As we go forward from this tragic day, I would hope that you will remember to “pray, be calm, and carry on.”
Just a couple of weeks ago, a meme of the British royal crown on top of a red background with the words “be calm and carry on” was making its rounds on facebook. I thought it was fascinating that the logo designed for use if the British were invaded was such a simple one, but it held great power. I would add another word to it: pray. So my thoughts during this tragedy were: “pray, be calm, carry on.”
A wave of sadness spilled over me when I heard about Boston on lockdown. Forcing an entire city to shut down wasn’t going to help the peace in our nation. The action was designed to create more fear, not calm it. The British logo of “be calm and carry on” made more sense than the action of shutting Boston down.
As I was reading through the various posts on facebook, I was struck by the thoughts of Steven Reid. He graciously agreed to let me quote him on my blog:
Fear not, God is with us.
The Old Testament story of Elisha and the King of Syria in 2 Kings 6 (11-19) teaches us this principle. The King of Syria goes down to capture Elisha because he recognizes Elisha is able to know the King's plans in advance. Elisha's servant comes running in and says: "Master, what are we gonna do?" The fearless Elisha responds this famous line: "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." Elisha prays for the servant's eyes to be opened and he sees the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire there to protect Elisha. Elisha is safe because of the Lord.
I do feel sorry for the people of Boston because the government is creating fear in the hearts of the people. An entire city on lockdown over one tragic event caused by two men one who is now dead? Give me a break. Murders happen EVERY DAY in big cities. A no-fly zone over the city? Out of control! If government is supposedly "fighting terrorism" why are they creating terror and panic in the hearts of their citizens? Their unconstitutional over-reactions and breaches of civil liberties are making a fugitive criminal more dangerous. They should just keep people informed and aware but let people make their own decisions (teach people correct principle and let them govern themselves...hmmm someone said this once...).
The Jews at Christ's time wanted him to condemn the murderous Romans, he did not but rather focused on peace. At the same time Jesus did not advocate the forebearance of justice. You will find my position to be modeled after Christ’s: again, we condemn the sin but love the sinner who is our brother. I refuse to let hate for this murderer blacken my heart. Nor will I allow government to usurp our Constitution.
I defend the truth. The right of the presumed terrorist to free speech, the right to a trial, and to face justice for his evil. The right of the people of Boston to go about their ways and lives as they so desire. The right for us as a nation to live at peace with one another.
Steven’s words reminded me of John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
As we go forward from this tragic day, I would hope that you will remember to “pray, be calm, and carry on.”
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Christ, The Atonement, and The Resurrection
I know I’m late for the Easter holiday, but I thought this is a topic important any time of year.
There have been several deaths recently that have impacted my friends and family. My mother sent me a link to a short video regarding the life-after-death experience of Dr. Mary Neal. While I watched the video, I reflected on the truth that her ability to join with her family after death is directly related to the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Christ’s sacrificed twice for us. The first time was in the Garden of Gethsemane. I know we don’t dwell on it a lot, but that is where he bled from every pore as he accepted our sins.
When Christ shed his blood on the ground in Gethsemane, it was for the sins of the world. In a very real way, he felt every agony you have suffered. He was with you any time you were hurt by others or when you hurt someone else. He felt your pain as if he was you feeling everything you are feeling. When you fully accept the Atonement of Christ, you can hand your pain to him. You don't have to suffer. He already did. Remember you are a beloved, wonderful child of God. You are his precious child, and he allowed his perfect son to feel your pain so you don't have to live through it.
The second time Christ sacrificed for us was when he gave his life on the cross. Since he was capable of immortality, he didn’t have to allow his spirit to leave his body. He could have lived forever without dying. He chose to allow his body to die because when he did he broke the bands of death. No one could be held in the grave after that.
In Matthew 27, we are told about the first resurrection, the first people to come out of the grave:
50. Jesus, when he had cried again with loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
52. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53. And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
The resurrection of Christ will allow all of us to take up our bodies again and live with those we love.
I believe in Christ. I believe in his atoning sacrifice. I know that he lives and is involved in our lives today. I pray that you may find the peace in your own life that comes from accepting his atoning sacrifice.
There have been several deaths recently that have impacted my friends and family. My mother sent me a link to a short video regarding the life-after-death experience of Dr. Mary Neal. While I watched the video, I reflected on the truth that her ability to join with her family after death is directly related to the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Christ’s sacrificed twice for us. The first time was in the Garden of Gethsemane. I know we don’t dwell on it a lot, but that is where he bled from every pore as he accepted our sins.
When Christ shed his blood on the ground in Gethsemane, it was for the sins of the world. In a very real way, he felt every agony you have suffered. He was with you any time you were hurt by others or when you hurt someone else. He felt your pain as if he was you feeling everything you are feeling. When you fully accept the Atonement of Christ, you can hand your pain to him. You don't have to suffer. He already did. Remember you are a beloved, wonderful child of God. You are his precious child, and he allowed his perfect son to feel your pain so you don't have to live through it.
The second time Christ sacrificed for us was when he gave his life on the cross. Since he was capable of immortality, he didn’t have to allow his spirit to leave his body. He could have lived forever without dying. He chose to allow his body to die because when he did he broke the bands of death. No one could be held in the grave after that.
In Matthew 27, we are told about the first resurrection, the first people to come out of the grave:
50. Jesus, when he had cried again with loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
52. And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53. And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
The resurrection of Christ will allow all of us to take up our bodies again and live with those we love.
I believe in Christ. I believe in his atoning sacrifice. I know that he lives and is involved in our lives today. I pray that you may find the peace in your own life that comes from accepting his atoning sacrifice.
Friday, March 1, 2013
What Would the Founding Fathers Think?


Thursday, February 7, 2013
Tide Ever Rising Blog Tour
Since I enjoyed Mandi Slack's first book, The Alias, I was thrilled when she asked me to participate in this blog tour. That meant I would be an advanced reader of Tide Ever Rising.
This book was everything I'd expected from Mandi. I gave it 5 of 5 stars. Even though it's being promoted as a paranormal suspense, I would call it an excellent example of a gothic romance. Some thrills and chills with other-worldly involvement complement a sweet romance between Kadie and Logan. I love how Mandi can put you right there with the characters in her descriptions of sights, sounds, and smells. For those of you who love Twilight, you'll recognize some of the same territory. It was fun to re-visit the geography in a totally different type of book. No vampires. No glitter. Plenty of action, suspense, and romance. I confess I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this fun book. I'm looking forward to reading more by Mandi. You can learn more about her on her website,
Purchase Link for "Tide Ever Rising" :
Tide Ever Rising Blurb:
Kadence Reynold’s favorite pastime is exploring old ghost towns, but when she and her sister, Maysha, stumble across an old journal and cheap pendant hidden in the depths of a crumbling foundation near Eureka, Utah, their world is suddenly turned upside down. Immediately, strange dreams and premonitions begin to haunt “Kadie” as she learns more about the author of the journal, Charlotte Clark. Kadie sets out on a journey to learn more about Charlotte and her family, and she and Maysha travel to Bremerton, Washington, where they discover Charlotte's still living twin sister, Adelaide and her family.
Kadie and Maysha, upon arriving in Washington, are immediately immersed in Adelaide and Charlotte’s story. Kadie soon learns that Charlotte disappeared the night of a tragic fire that took the lives of Adelaide’s entire family. With the help of Logan Mathews, Adelaide’s handsome grandson, and Charlotte’s ever disconcerting presence, Kadie delves into the past. Hoping to solve the mystery of Charlotte’s disappearance, Kadie immediately discovers the secrets contained in the journal will toss her and Adelaide’s family into a world filled with mystery, past regrets, and dark unknowns.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Surprise! Self-Publishing Success :)
I haven't spent much time marketing myself and my books. I have other commitments in my life, and I have a hard time worrying about marketing. I was pleasantly surprised when best-selling author and reporter Caleb Warnock asked to interview me. What could I possibly say of interest? He managed to get some tidbits out, and I thought I'd share the article.
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